Tuesday, October 29, 2019

U.S. HISTORY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

U.S. HISTORY - Essay Example He went to Paris in 1919 to shape the Treaty of Versailles, the peace treaty which ended the World War 1 (Wikipedia, 2006a). Ernest Hemingway (1899-1961), started his career as a writer. Hemingway’s first important work was ‘The Sun Also Rises’ (1926). Similarly successful was ‘A Farewell to Arms’ (1929). Hemingway used his experiences as a reporter during the civil war in Spain as the background for his most ambitious novel, ‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’ (1940). Among his later works, the most outstanding is the short novel, ‘The Old Man and the Sea’ (1952), for which Ernest Hemingway was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature (1954) (The Nobel Foundation 1954). Â  Herbert Clark Hoover (1929-1933) was the 31st President of the United States. Within eight months of his induction, the stock market crashed, signifying the beginning of the Great depression, the most severe economic crisis the United States had ever known. The Great Depression was a stern test for Hoover and one that proved difficult to manage. World War I brought Hoover to importance in American politics and thrust him into the global attention (Presidency in History, 2003a). Eleanor Roosevelt was an active First Lady during her husband Franklin D. Roosevelts presidency. She traveled, visiting relief projects, surveying working and living conditions, and then reporting her observations to the President. She became a supporter of the rights and needs of the poor, and of the disadvantaged. Even after President Roosevelts death Mrs. Roosevelt continued public life. She was appointed to the United States Delegation to the United Nations General Assembly. She was chairman of the Human Rights Commission. She was an American representative to the World Federation of the United Nations Associations. Mrs. Roosevelt received many awards for her humanitarian efforts (FDR

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Rocket Singh From The Point Of View Of Business Ethics

Rocket Singh From The Point Of View Of Business Ethics The movie begins with the introduction of Ranbeer Kapoor as Harpreet Singh Bedi. He has just graduated from college and is enthusiastic about being a salesman. He lands up a job as a computer salesman in a multinational company AYS Solutions. In no time he realizes that his principles of operating with honesty and integrity were considered obsolete. He is looked down when he complains about a person asking for bribe to install his company computers. Thereafter he is prohibited from contacting any prospective clients. It becomes clear that his boss wants him out. During this time he gets a slipup from a colleague to visit a prospective client. The client is a startup and cannot afford the company price for two computers. At this point Harpreet offers to try and cut down the prices. He finds that his company overcharges the customers. Harpreet then assembles the computers with the help of one of his colleagues. He uses a wholesaler as supplier. The final payment, he however, bills it o n the name of Rocket Sales Corporation. Thus, the story of a new Harpreet Singh Bedi and Rocket Sales Corporation starts. As the movie continues a few more people from AYS joins the gang. These people work in AYS and works for Rocket Sales Corporation. This corporation however does not use bribe to win contracts. It offers computers at lower prices, better services and 24 hour helpline. This helpline is one of the numbers from AYS which are unused. Harpreet Singh maintains a list of all the facilities Rocket Sales Corporation uses of AYS to pay back the value to AYS when the right time comes. With time the sales of Rocket Sales Corporation increases and begins to affect the business of AYS. At this time the CEO of AYS becomes restless and tries to find out more about Rocket Sales Corporation. However he is not able to find out much as the company has not given any address but only a phone number. AYS CEO tries to bribe Rocket Sales Corporation and also offers to buy them, but to no avail. He becomes desperate and in his desperation finds out the entire plot. He calls all those involved in the scheme and fires them. Rocket Sales Corporation is overtaken by AYS and Harpreet Singh goes to jail. He feels embarrassed for letting his family down. Harpreet then joins a shop like Reliance world as a service boy. On the other side, AYS uses the same corrupt means in Rocket Sales Corporation and starts to lose business again. The customers are more interested in ethical, honest and effective methods than bribes. AYS CEO realizes that Rocket Sales Corporation has no value in itself but in its people. In the end, the CEO tries again to get Harpreet back to manage Rocket Sales Corporation but he denies the offer. Finally, the CEO returns Rocket Sales Corporation back to Harpreet and he manages the organization with his original team in his new office. There are different ethical issues related to business taken up in the movie and we would try to study them with help of some theories based on ethics Ethical Theories Domain of Ethical Theories These are some of the theories of ethics that we have used in our analysis of the movie Rocket Singh Salesman of the year. These theories can mainly be distributed in two parts, Theories based on conduct and Theories based on character Deontological Vs. Teleological Ethical Systems Theories based on conduct are further sub-divided in theories of consequences (Teleological Theories) and theories of duty (Deontological Theories). Teleological Theories contains the theories of Ethical Egoism and Utilitarianism. These theories suggest that different consequences may suggest different ethical actions and a morally right action is one that produces a good outcome, or consequence. At the same time, Deontological theories suggest that rightness and wrongness of an action can be determined by the nature of the action itself rather than its outcomes. Ethics is a branch of philosophy dealing with right and wrong. According to Merriam-Webster dictionary, the definition is the discipline dealing with what is good and bad and with moral duty and obligation. To comprehend the Deontological and Teleological separations is a philosophical study; there are varying definitions that can be based simply on a persons individual point of view of these types. Deontological ethics is the study of moral duty; obviously, morals are based on many separate views, as a result, it is important to understand the varying perceptions. In the study of deontological ethics, it is the right or wrong of the action that defines it. This is versus the teleological ethical system, which focuses on the good or evil of the action and the person committing the action. Emmanuel Kant first defined these principles, ÂÂ ²Kant held that nothing is good without qualification except a good will, which is one that wills to act in accord with the moral law and out of respect for that law, rather than out of natural inclinations. He saw the moral law as a categorical imperative-i.e., an unconditional command-and believed that its content could be established by human reason alone. Ethical formalism tends to dictate the logic of the approach, and does not necessarily contemplate what benefits the human versus the law, however is based purely on the action and whet her it is right or wrong. Another form of deontological ethics is egoism, in which the action must benefit the person committing the action, again however basing the form on the action versus the potential morality or reflection of god, as teleological arguments tend to be. Lastly, there is natural law, and the approach based on survival of the fittest, versus contributing to the whole. When utilizing this approach it is necessary to understand that according to natural law it is necessary that some humans, animals, etc, fail. A teleological argument, or argument from design, is an argument for the existence of God or a creator based on perceived evidence of order, purpose, design, or direction or some combination of these in nature. The word teleological is derived from the Greek word telos, meaning end or purpose. Teleology is the supposition that there is purpose or directive principle in the works and processes of nature. Immanuel Kant called this argument the Physico-theological proof. Ethical theories based on Self Interest vs Interest for Others Theories based on concern for self and concerns for others are mainly three theories, which are different from each other. If concern for self is high and concern for society is low than such a theory is considered as Ethical Egoism. In this theory, individual always comes ahead of the organization. In Utilitarian theory, both individual and society concerns have to be balanced. It is considered to be the idealist theory. While, in the theory of Altruism society always comes ahead of the individual and personal gains are not as important as gain of society as a whole. Theory of Egoism Egoism is a teleological theory of ethics that sets as its goal the benefit, pleasure, or greatest good of the oneself alone. It is contrasted with altruism, which is not strictly self-interested, but includes in its goal the interests of others as well. There are at least three different ways in which the theory of egoism can be presented: psychological Egoism This is the claim that humans by nature are motivated only by self-interest . Any act, no matter how altruistic it might seem, is actually motivated by some selfish desire of the agent (e.g., desire for reward, avoidance of guilt, personal happiness). This is a descriptive claim about human nature. Ethical Egoism This is the claim that individuals should always to act in their own best interest. It is a normative claim. If ethical egoism is true, that appears to imply that psychological egoism is false: there would be no point to saying that we ought to do what we must do by nature. But if altruism is possible, why should it be avoided? Some writers suggest we all should focus our resources on satisfying our own interests, rather than those of others. Society will then be more efficient and this will better serve the interests of all. By referring to the interests of all, however, this approach reveals itself to be a version of utilitarianism, and not genuine egoism. It is merely a theory about how best to achieve the greatest good for the greatest number. An alternative formulation of ethical egoism states that I ought to act in my own self-interesteven if this conflicts with the values and interests of otherssimply because that is what I value most. It is not clear how an altruist could argue with such an individualistic ethical egoist, but it is also not clear that such an egoist should choose to argue with the altruist. Since the individualistic egoist believes that whatever serves his own interests is (morally) right, he will want everyone else to be altruistic. Otherwise they would not serve the egoists interests! It seems that anyone who truly believed in individualistic ethical egoism could not promote the theory without inconsistency. Indeed, the self-interest of the egoist is best served by publicly claiming to be an altruist and thereby keeping everyones good favor. Minimalist Egoism When working with certain economic or sociological models, we may frequently assume that people will act in such a way as to promote their own interests. These are not a normative claim and usually not even a descriptive claim. Instead it is a minimalist assumption used for certain calculations. If we assume only self-interest on the part of all agents, we can determine certain extreme-case (e.g., maximin) outcomes for the model. Implicit in this assumption, although not always stated, is the idea that altruistic behavior on the part of the agents, although not presupposed, would yield outcomes at least as good and probably better. Utilitarian Theory Greatest benefit for the largest number This origin-of-ethics theory, proposed by Jeremy Bentham and James Mill, declared that all action should be directed toward achieving the greatest happiness for the greatest number of people. Originating in the 1800s, this theory strongly represents the (duh) utilitarian ideas of the industrial revolution: Lets make things work! There are 2 main sub-categories of Utilitarian theory: Act-utilitarians believe that people should perform actions that serve other people. That is what makes one good. Rule-utilitarins believe that rules are made for the good of the majority of people. Therefore, a good person follows the rules. A standard criticism of Utilitarian theory is that it would be perfectly morally acceptable to execute innocent people to prevent social ill for the majority. However, most of us find this immoral. Utilitarianism is the ideas that the moral worth of an action is determined solely by its utility in providing happiness or pleasure as summed among all sentient beings. It is thus a form of consequentialism, meaning that the moral worth of an action is determined by its outcome. Utilitarianism is often described by the phrase the greatest good for the greatest number of sentient beings, and is also known as the greatest happiness principle. Utility, the good to be maximized, has been defined by various thinkers as happiness or pleasure (versus suffering or pain), although preference utilitarians define it as the satisfaction of preferences. It may be described as a life stance, with happiness or pleasure being of ultimate importance. Utilitarianism can be characterised as a quantitative and reductionist approach to ethics. It can be contrasted with deontological ethics (which do not regard the consequences of an act as being a determinant of its moral worth) and virtue ethics (which focuses on character), as well as with other varieties of consequentialism. Theory of Distributive Justice Equality of burden and benefit Distributive justice concerns what some consider being socially just with respect to the allocation of goods in a society. Thus, a community in which incidental inequalities in outcome do not arise would be considered a society guided by the principles of distributive justice. Allocation of goods takes into thought the total amount of goods to be handed out, the process on how they in the civilization are going to dispense, and the pattern of division. Civilizations have a narrow amount of resources and capital; the problem arises on how the goods should be divided. The common answer to this question is that every individual receives a fair share. Often contrasted with just process, which is concerned with just processes such as in the administration of law, distributive justice concentrates on just outcomes and consequences. Virtue Ethics Virtue ethics is currently one of three major approaches in normative ethics. It may, initially, be identified as the one that emphasizes the virtues, or moral character, in contrast to the approach which emphasizes duties or rules (deontology) or that which emphasizes the consequences of actions (consequentialism). Suppose it is obvious that someone in need should be helped. A utilitarian will point to the fact that the consequences of doing so will maximise well-being, a deontologist to the fact that, in doing so the agent will be acting in accordance with a moral rule such as Do unto others as you would be done by and a virtue ethicist to the fact that helping the person would be charitable or benevolent. Virtue theory is an approach to ethics which emphasizes the character of the moral agent, rather than rules or consequences, as the key element of ethical thinking. This contrasts with consequentialism, which holds that the consequences of a particular act form the basis for any valid moral judgment about that action, and deontology, which derives rightness or wrongness from the character of the act itself rather than the outcomes. The difference between these three approaches to morality tends to lie more in the way moral dilemmas are approached than in the moral conclusions reached. For example, a consequentialist may argue that lying is wrong because of the negative consequences produced by lying though a consequentialist may allow that certain foreseeable consequences might make lying acceptable. A deontologist might argue that lying is always wrong, regardless of any potential good that might come from lying. A virtue ethicist, however, would focus less on lying in any particul ar instance and instead consider what a decision to tell a lie or not tell a lie said about ones character and moral behavior. Principles of Ethical Leadership According to the principals of ethical leadership, any leader should have these five qualities imbibed into him to serve ethically and justly. Firstly, a leader should always respect others and point of view of others whether he agrees with them or not. Secondly, he should not only serve self interest but also interest of others. A leader has to follow utilitarian theory of ethics. Thirdly, he must show justice while taking decisions and making choices, as the consequences of his choices in most cases will not be limited to himself. Fourthly, a leader should always show honesty and should be show integrity in whatever he does, if his followers will believe that he is unethical than the organisation will not sustain. Lastly, he should look to build community and for the welfare of community which is dependent on me. Analysis of Movie Rocket Singh Salesman of the year The analysis of the movie will be divided into four parts based on the theories of ethics being used, i.e., the movie would be analyzed on the basis of theory of egoism, utilitarian theory, theory of distributive justice and theory of ethics. The movie has appealed to the viewers as being light and refreshing. The movie would be analyzed on the basis of the ethical theories stated above. Some of the analysis may seem to contradict but certain ethical theories do contradict under different circumstances. Analysis on the basis of Theory of Egoism Harpreet Singh did what he felt was just. Like all, his feelings of just and unjust were determined primarily on his life experiences. People are taught certain basic values. They use these values as base and build upon them as they learn from their life experiences. These secondary values may be entirely different from the basic values if the experiences are very stressful. On the basis of his values, Harpreet Singh acted in his interest. Similarly, other characters in the movie acted according to their interests. This theory accepts their actions as being right if others would have done so in the same position. Assuming everyone to be sane, everyone would have done the same thing under same circumstances. Hence, the judgment part is limited. Harpreet Singh and everyone else are thus acting ethical in their part. Analysis on the Basis of Utilitarian Theory Utilitarianism is the ideas that the moral worth of an action is determined solely by its utility in providing happiness or pleasure as summed among all sentient beings. According to this theory, even when Harpreet Singh had opened a company in his bosses company, nobody other than his small group knew of it. Thus summing up the feelings of all the people involved, who knew of the plot, the feeling turns out to be pleasant. It thus may seem ethical if no one else knows about the situation. This is so because this theory deals with the opinion of others or the interest of all. Also, from another point of view, the customers were happy with the services of Rocket Sales Corporation. The employees of Rocket Sales Corporation were happy with the progress of their company. Except for the interest of AYS services, the interests of everyone else were being served. Thus utility in providing pleasure or happiness sums up as positive. Hence, according to this theory, the act of the main protagonist may seem ethical in nature. Analysis on the Basis of Distributive Justice According to this theory, there is equality of burden and benefit in the society. Starting Rocket Sales Corporation under AYS solutions may seem beneficial to some. If everyone does the same, then it becomes more burdensome than beneficial. Such practices, thus may seem just, but are actually as unethical as the practices of bribing to win contracts followed by AYS solutions. Thus on the basis of distributive justice theory the act portrayed in the movie is unethical. Analysis on the Basis of Virtue Ethics The components of virtue theory are: 7 virtues faith, hope, charity, courage, justice, temperance, wisdom 7 contrary virtues humility, kindness, abstinence, chastity, patience, liberty, diligence 7 sins vanity, covetousness, lust, wrath, envy, gluttony, sloth The character Harpreet Singh had all 7 virtues and he seemed free from greed or envy. He started the business with intentions of doing good to people in general. Only the act was performed in violation of law. On the basis of these virtues the protagonist seems virtuous and kind hearted. On the other hand, his boss, manager of AYS had the qualities of vanity, greed, wrath, envy in him. He himself had been operating business by means of bribes. He thus does not seem virtuous. Analysis on the Basis of Marketing Ethics Marketing ethics is the area of applied ethics which deals with the moral principles behind the operation and regulation of marketing. Some areas of marketing ethics (ethics of advertising and promotion) overlap with media ethics. marketing necessarily commits at least one of three wrongs: Damaging personal autonomy. The victim of marketing in this case is the intended buyer whose right to self-determination is infringed. Causing harm to competitors. Excessively fierce competition and unethical marketing tactics are especially associated with saturated markets. Manipulating social values. The victim in this case is society as a whole, or the environment as well. The argument is that marketing promotes consumerism and waste. See also: affluenza, ethical consumerism, anti-consumerism In the movie, AYS solutions have marketed its product as the best. It has made itself a reputation of a market leader, a company which sells the best quality products. In actual, its products are not above market standards. In one scene, the repair person intentionally burns the circuit board so that he can charge his client for a burnt circuit board. In this way they will earn more. Marketing for own personal interest, to influence peoples opinion and mislead them is unethical. But it is generally followed by almost all companies. The motive to do business is to earn profit. Many companies which are concerned brands, are selling products which harm the society in general. Be it carbonated drinks, cigarettes, alcohol or even unhealthy foods. They survive on the pretext that consumers want it. But they drive demands with their advertisements and branding. Govt. cannot take a stand because they are not considered as unethical as drugs etc by society. They thus survive in the good faith of people in general, giving them incomplete information. Similar to this, AYS solutions duped people by making them believe that their products were best in industry. But in another context it is considered ethical, since to promote ourselves is not wrong. People can decide on what they know, and to tell them about us is also our responsibility. Hence, it can be said that AYS solutions was only promoting what it believed, that it was the best company in the industry and sold the best products available. Thus one argument would put AYS solutions as unethical, but another would call it as ethical; if the company argues that what it communicated was what it believed to be true. Analysis of the Ethical Nature of All the Characters Puri As the owner of AYS solutions, he believes in getting the work done by hook or by crook. With no regards to values like honesty and truthfulness he pursues his greed energetically. He does not flinches in offering bribes from watchmen to managers. It does not seem that he respects many people and treats them as a means to earn profits. He does not understands the values and ethics in business and treats them as sham. He therefore, treats Harpreet as a dumb fool who will never rise. The views that Puri has formed may have reasons to them, but from a neutral point of view they dont seem ethical. Its only in the end, when he returns Rocket sales Corp. back to Harpreet, it seems he has a side which he had suppressed for long. He shows due respect to Harpreet for what he is and maybe realizes his mistakes. Except for theory of egoism, Puri seems unethical being judged on other three theories. Nitin Rathore As being junior to Puri, Nitin seems a person who learns quickly in ways of deceit. Like Puri, he is into deceit and bribes to achieve his targets. He therefore, seems as unethical as Puri. But as time passes, he seems to learn virtues from Harpreet. With the right company, he relearns what he felt was stupidity honesty, integrity and truthfulness. He finds the honest way of life as maybe not very profitable economically (he had an offer to be vice-president if he finds about Rocket Sales Corp.) but very satisfying emotionally(he does not betray even under such an incentive). He develops integrity, self respect and qualities of a virtuous man. So even though he was not ethical initially but he is a changed man by the end, because of the right company. Giri This character watches porn in his office and trusts no one. He deceits for profit and is concerned with money, from Rocket sales or AYS. But he is a man of his word, can be trusted and does not betray any of his people. His ethicality is a grey area as he neither seems very bad nor very good. Koena She is the receptionist who wants to be known as more than a thing of attraction. She is concerned about Harpreet when he is out casted by his team because of his values. She shows compassion for people in general. But is also cunning and understands the hidden motives of the people involved and acts accordingly. Overall, she seems ethical. At some places where the ethicality of her actions may be questioned, it can be explained by a general urge to protect onself(i.e. an act of self-defence). Chhotelal Misra He is the waiter who is not confident about his abilities. His sense of worth is low. But as a person he is decent, modest, honest, polite and faithful. He is neither an ambitious man nor is greedy. He is ethical and a decent person. Harpreets patient grandpa, P.S. Bedi His grandpa is caring and decent. He values Harpreet and is supportive. He is angry at his grandson for his illegal act. But still he understands the innocence in the act and helps Harpreet overcome his guilt. He motivates Harpreet to live a life of honesty. Of what is projected in the movie he is ethical. Sherena She is Harpreets lover. She does not leave him after she gets to know about Rocket Sales Corp.. She somehow understands and supports him. She even lends her apartment as the office. But even though she understands what was done was illegal, she supports the act. With the kind of portrayal given to the character, it is tough to decide whether the act is ethical or unethical. Had she blown the whistle she may have seemed too virtuous. Yet she would have betrayed the faith. And what she did seems as something almost anyone else would have done. Hence, calling her unethical may seem a strong word. Harpreet Singh Bedi Being the hero he does what people would love. He is portrayed as a simple lad out of college, full of hope and energy. He stands for honesty, but being insulted for the same he starts his own company under AYS. He intends to pay back his boss for the resources he has used, i.e. electricity, mobile bills and rent. But apart from this he has also used the company information which is very valuable. He uses the company contacts and wins clients from them. He also takes his salary from AYS. He may be innocent and polite by nature but this act is not. Had he started Rocket Sales Corp. After leaving the company, he may not have got such an advantage over his competitors. Apart from this dishonesty he seems ethical and likable in a general sense. References and Useful Links http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/944995/deontological_vs_teleological_ethical.html?cat=17 http://webs.wofford.edu/kaycd/ethics/egoism.htm http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Utilitarianism http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Distributive_justice http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/ethics-virtue/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtue_ethics http://www.yashrajfilms.com/microsites/rocketsingh/fullpage.html http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Teleological_argument http://everything2.com/title/Utilitarian+Theory

Friday, October 25, 2019

Raymond George Neher :: essays research papers fc

Because roads, streets, highways, boulevards, and freeways are an everyday part of our life, they understandably are part of our art. In the foreground or the background, they secure our art to reality, serve as symbols, or twist and turn in ways never dreamed by the imagination. Raymond Neher used roads and highways as his subject in many of his paintings. He began painting for his own benefit, because he â€Å"Enjoyed putting brush to canvas.† Raymond George Neher was born in Orange, New Jersey on September 14, 1943; he was the only child to Rudolph Neher and Evelyn Posadzki. Neher was awarded his Bachelor of Architecture form the Carnegie Mellon University and his Masters from the Columbia University. He began his career as an architect in New York City. In 1973 he transferred to San Francisco, California, where he worked on the Master Plan for a New Community in Ahwaz, Iran. He was well known and appreciated for his work in historical restorations and adaptive reuse. His projects included work on art and science museums, hotels and spas, hospital and medical school, as well as construction administration. As an artist his career spanned nearly 40 years. Neher worked mostly in acrylic paint on canvas. His works have been shown in exhibitions all across the United States of America and are in private collections throughout the United States, as well as Amsterdam, Rome and Santorini, Greece. Neher joined the Fort Mason Prin tmakers in the early 1980’s and created etchings and monoprints that often complemented his canvas work. Many of his subjects sprang from his travels around California’s Central Valley Interstate 5 highway. His roadscapes paintings he created were on photo quality. The images he creates, whether it is a highway, a bridge or a suburban street, are always free of pollution, road kill and litter. The paintings are full of colour which makes the painting a bit surreal, as if the image is just too good to be true. All his roadscapes are from the perspective a person in a vehicle on the road, making the viewer feel more engaged with the painting, as if they are actually there. The painting above is called Mount Hood Highway. Neher has used such contrasting colours to layer the painting. His use of straight lines and angles on the road, pine trees and the snow covered mountain in the background brake up the painting causing the painting to be easier to take in by the viewer.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Fluidity of War. Gender Norms & Racial Bias in the Study of the Modern “War”

War is an organized and often prolonged conflict that is carried out by states or non-state actors. It is generally characterised by extreme violence, social disruption, and economic destruction. War should be understood as an actual, intentional and widespread armed conflict between political communities, and therefore is defined as a form of political violence or intervention. The set of techniques used by a group to carry out war is known as warfare. An absence of war is usually called peace. In 2003, Nobel Laureate Richard E.Smalley identified war as the sixth biggest problem facing humanity for the next fifty years. In the 1832 treatise On War, Prussian military general and theoretician Carl von Clausewitz defined war as follows: â€Å"War is thus an act of force to compel our enemy to do our will. † While some scholars see warfare as an inescapable and integral aspect of human nature, others argue that it is only inevitable under certain socio-cultural or ecological circ umstances. Some scholars argue that the practice of war is not linked to any single type of political organization or society.Rather, as discussed by John Keegan in his History of Warfare, war is a universal phenomenon whose form and scope is defined by the society that wages it. Another argument suggests that since there are human societies in which warfare does not exist, humans may not be naturally disposed for warfare, which emerges under particular circumstances. The deadliest war in history, in terms of the cumulative number of deaths since its start, is the Second World War, with 60–85 million deaths.Proportionally speaking, the most destructive war in modern history has been claimed to be the War of the Triple Alliance, which took the lives of over 60% of Paraguay's population. Etymology The English word war derives from the late Old English words wyrre and werre; the Old North French werre; the Frankish werra; and the Proto-Germanic werso. The denotation of war deriv es from the Old Saxon werran, Old High German werran, and the German verwirren: â€Å"to confuse†, â€Å"to perplex†, and â€Å"to bring into confusion†.Another posited derivation is from the Ancient Greek barbaros, the Old Persian varhara, and the Sanskrit varvar and barbara. In German, the equivalent is Krieg; the equivalent Spanish, Portuguese, and Italian words for â€Å"war† is guerra, derived from the Germanic werra . Etymologic legend has it that the Romanic peoples adopted a foreign, Germanic word for â€Å"war†, to avoid using the Latin bellum, because, when sounded, it tended to merge with the sound of the word bello .The scholarly study of war is sometimes called polemology, from the Greek polemos, meaning â€Å"war†, and -logy, meaning â€Å"the study of†. Types of war War, to become known as one, must entail some degree of confrontation using weapons and other military technology and equipment by armed forces employing mi litary tactics and operational art within the broad military strategy subject to military logistics. War Studies by military theorists throughout military history have sought to identify the philosophy of war, and to reduce it to a military science.Modern military science considers several factors before a national defence policy is created to allow a war to commence: the environment in the area of combat operations, the posture national forces will adopt on the commencement of a war, and the type of warfare troops will be engaged in. Conventional warfare is an attempt to reduce an opponent's military capability through open battle. It is a declared war between existing states in which nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons are not used or only see limited deployment in support of conventional military goals and maneuvers.The opposite of conventional warfare, unconventional warfare, is an attempt to achieve military victory through acquiescence, capitulation, or clandestine suppor t for one side of an existing conflict. Nuclear warfare is warfare in which nuclear weapons are the primary, or a major, method of coercing the capitulation of the other side, as opposed to a supporting tactical or strategic role in a conventional conflict. Civil war is a war where the forces in conflict belong to the same nation or political entity and are vying for control of or independence from that nation or political entity.Asymmetric warfare is a conflict between two populations of drastically different levels of military capability or size. Asymmetric conflicts often result in guerrilla tactics being used to overcome the sometimes vast gaps in technology and force size. Intentional air pollution in combat is one of a collection of techniques collectively called chemical warfare. Poison gas as a chemical weapon was principally used during World War I, and resulted in an estimated 91,198 deaths and 1,205,655 injuries.Various treaties have sought to ban its further use. Non-let hal chemical weapons, such as tear gas and pepper  spray, are widely used, sometimes with deadly effect. Behaviour and conduct in war The behaviour of troops in warfare varies considerably, both individually and as units or armies. In some circumstances, troops may engage in genocide, war rape and ethnic cleansing. Commonly, however, the conduct of troops may be limited to posturing and sham attacks, leading to highly rule-bound and often largely symbolic combat in which casualties are much reduced from that which would be expected if soldiers were genuinely violent towards the enemy. Situations of deliberate dampening of hostilities occurred in World War I by some accounts, e.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Computer Virus Essay

The emergence of technological innovations such as the advent of computer and computer programs, also paved way for the birth of certain viruses that can disrupt software programs. These viruses infect a program and allow it to spread from one computer to the others (â€Å"Viruses†). As it transfers from one computer to another, it leaves complications or ailments that like human viruses, has varying degrees of severity. Some are merely designed to annoy the computer user while others can destroy the entire computer hardware (Beal). Viruses may be categorized as a worm, Trojan or just a virus. A worm is quite similar to a virus, but unlike a virus that needs human intervention in order for it to spread, worms can spread on its own. It has the capacity to replicate itself and travel from one hardware to another through the transport features of the computer’s system. Because of its replicating capacity it poses harm as it can slow down the computer the moment it becomes multitude (Beal). A Trojan on the other hand does not replicate as viruses and worms do. They appear at first as some legitimate program or file but the moment it is ran in the computer it can create various damage. Sometimes they are made to annoy while other can seriously destroy the computer by deleting files or programs. It can also create backdoors that can give other users access to the system that may give away personal or confidential information (Beal). Most of the time, these malicious programs spread with human intervention. When viruses cling onto a file and was run in the computer, it automatically spreads in the system of that computer.Trojans spread in the same way, while worms replicate itself in the system, to another system and to another. Works Cited Beal, Vangie. 2007. The Difference Between a Computer Virus, Worm and Trojan Horse. Webopedia. 11 November, 2008 . Brain, Marshall. n. d. How Computer Viruses Work. HowStuffWorks. 11 November 2008 . Viruses. n. d. Kasperskylab. 11 November 2008 .